Not your everyday Rigging Company or Machinery Mover, Coast has once again finalized with solutions. Tasked with a complex area to work in that included limited access, continuous production, and construction in progress COAST SUPPLIED THE SOLUTION.

Coast recently completed an extensive machinery and platform erecting project for one of California’s Largest Container Companies. The issue as stated by the customer, “we have no room, we still need to be in production, we have bridge crane construction that cannot be delayed, and the OEM supplier typically only does this work with a crane”. Coast’s answer, “You have an Issue, Problems are things that can’t be solved”. A few hours of Engineering a Lift Plan, the correct tandem lift equipment and rigging on site, and Coast was able to say “We have your Solution, Stand Back and We’ll get this done for you”.

Coast Machinery Movers supplies industry leading Lift Plans and Project Engineering by Professionals that come from and know how to get their hands dirty. Over 50 years in business. We combine all that knowledge with today’s technology and tooling to provide Solutions!!!